The PDX Red Wall Project, is looking for visual artists to create site specific banners. Located at 2106 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, in Portland, Oregon. This south facing wall is seen by thousands of vehicles a day. Exhibitions will change bi-monthly highlighting the work of local artists. The Red Wall is now painted blue.
The Wall is a 10’ x 16’ dark brown brick wall, a gateway to NE Portland. Artists are invited to submit proposals for banners with themes of equity, community, and diversity.
All complete submissions will be reviewed. Once selected artists will be provided with resources for preferred banner producers. We will work with artist to assure banners are constructed properly and on time.
Submission fee: $20.00
To submit a proposal, make your payments via paypal to: PDXredwall@comcast.net
Then email the following to PDXredwall@comcast.net:
Resume, and artist statement, if you have them, and up to 5 JPEG images. Each image should represent a different banner idea.
Images should be named: Last name_title_size
Art must be original and the submitting artists must have all rights to the images.
By submitting you are stating that you agree with the terms of this call.
Deadline February 28, 2024
For questions please email us at PDXredwall@comcast.net